Mentor Much?

Regardless of how old you are, you need a mentor. Mentors are not godfathers or people you use to get favors. They are people to simply look up to and who are meant to add perspective in your life and work. They should best double up as friends for full value. But just how do you get one? Here is how I have been able to get myself valuable mentors who have continued to play vital roles in my life:

  • Seek family: I believe no one knows you better or loves you more than your family. So make the most of their experiences and engage them as you try to make your own way in life.
  • Use social media groups: Get mentors through Linkedin by simply starting genuine and relevant conversations in groups. Be sure to flaunt your strengths in a subtle way for full effect.
  • Ask friends: Fear not of asking your friends whom they can directly connect you to for guidance and networking.
  • Offer to mentor: Reach out to someone you feel may be in need of your time and advice. As you remain present in this person’s life, you will discover a lot about yourself and learn from them as well.

What else can be a way to get a mentor in your life? Do share them here with us.

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